星期三, 十月 17, 2007

A Beautiful Mind

最近看了一套旧片 - “A Beautiful Mind"

朋友介绍了很久,说故事有意思,我到最近才找了个二手DVD 来看。


Beautiful Mind 是真人真事改编。说的是一位叫John Nash 的数学家的生平。

Russell Crowe 饰演的就是他。
John Nash 是个书呆子。向来泡妞,一开口就直接了当叫人上床。


交往了一段时间,时机成熟了,John Nash 打算求婚。
在一个昏暗点着烛光的餐厅,John Nash 跪下了。

“Alicia, Does our relationship warrant long-term commitment?
'Cos I need some kind of proof, some kind of verifiable, empirical data"

Alicia 吓了一跳,但想了想说:
”how big is the universe?"

John Nash: “Infinite"

Alicia 再问: “你怎么知道?”

John Nash :“I know because all the data indicate it"

Alicia: ”But it hasn't been proven yet?"

John : "No"

Alicia 说: “You haven't seen it. How do you know for sure?"

John:”I don't, I just believe it"

Alicia: “It's the same with love, I guess"


故事到了后来,John Nash 的举止越来越古怪,被诊断得了精神分裂症。


”I've always believe in numbers,
In the equations and logics ...
that lead to reasons.

But after a lifetime of such pursuits,
I ask,

what truly is logic?
Who decides reason?

My quest has taken me through the physical,
the metaphysical, the delusional,
... and back.

And I have made the most important discovery of my career...

The most important discovery of my life...

It is only in the mysterious equations of love,
that any logical reasons can be found.

I'm only here tonight because of you.
You are the reason I am.
You are all my reasons."
